Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.

Tuition and Fee


Please refer brochure for details. Every student is required to submit the required documentation and application fee without which the application is deemed incomplete.


CalStrat is very strict about the eligibility. Please read the instructions carefully on requisite brochures. In addition to eligibility based on education and / or worl experience CalStrat will require references and applicable score tests like SAT, TOEFL, GMAT, GRE etc based on the program applied for.

Fee Structure

Sr.No Program Duration Total Fees
1Extra Terms****
2Beginner Programs for International Students****
3Certification Programs1 – 63000/-
4Associate Degree6 – 117500/-
5Bachelors 3612,000/-
9Fellow24 – 36 20,000/-
10PhD24 – 36 20,000/-


  1. ** Case to case basis.
  2. Duration is in months.
  3. Fees in USD
  4. Application money is non-refundable.
  5. Application money is in addition to the requisite fee..
  6. CalStrat University reserves the right to change / alter the fee structure without notice.
  7. In case student has opted for instalment scheme, failure of a single instalment payment will result in expelling the student without any refund.
  8. Any bank fees levied due to international bank transfer is to be borne by the student or the affiliated center.
  9. Fees for distance learning students will differ based on collaboration and country, please refer the coordinators office for the same.
  10. Fees for developing countries, for long distance programs will differ, please write to the coordinators office for details.
  11. Costs of Co-branded certifications are not shown here.
  12. Stay, food, travel, medical, books, study material and other incidental expenses are borne directly by the student.

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